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Articles in refereed journals (this millennium)

(2021) “Passing Resemblance: The Burden of the Mask in Legal and Theatrical Tradition” 25 Law Text Culture 22-52.

(2020)“Sound and Fury Signifying Brexit” 24 Law Text Culture 227-252. (Read)

(2020)“Law making music” 14:1 Law and Humanities 26-56 [DOI: 10.1080/17521483.2020.1752429](Read)

2016- 2018

(2018) “Camera Lucida” in Carey Young et al “Law and Humanities Symposium: Palais de Justice” 12(2) Law and Humanities 278-310 [DOI:10.1080/17521483.2018.1525863] (Read)

(2018) “The Art of Advocacy: Renaissance of Rhetoric in the Law School” 12(1) Law and Humanities 116-137. [DOI: 10.1080/17521483.2018.1464243] (Read)

(2018) “Touching the Matter of Medical Law” in Harrington et al “Law and Humanities Symposium: Towards a Rhetoric of Medical Law” 12(1) Law and Humanities 93-115. [DOI: 10.1080/17521483.2018.1462293] (Read)

(2018) “Sovereigns, Sterling and “Some bastards too!”: Brexit seen from Shakespeare’s King John 9(1) Journal of International Dispute Settlement 58–82. [DOI: 10.1093/jnlids/idw028] (Download)

(2016) “Where the Shoe Pinches’: True Equity in Trollope’s The WardenPólemos 10(2) 293–309. [DOI: 10.1515/pol-2016-0017] (Read)


(2015) “Free Will and Folly in As You Like It” 9(1) Pólemos 15-35 (DeGruyter, Berlin). [DOI: 10.1515/pol-2015-0003] (Read)

(2014) “The poverty of economics and the hope for humanities” The Journal of Comparative Law, 9(2) 121-145. (Download)

(2014) “The Law of Dress in Lord of the Flies” 8(2) Law and Humanities 174-191. (Download)

(2014)“The Law of Dress in Lord of the Flies” (2016) 10(1) Pólemos 157-178. [RE-PUBLICATION] 

(2013) “The 2013 Southin Lecture: The Tyranny of Equality and the Torment of Equity” 46 The
University of British Columbia Law Review 187. (Download) (Watch)

(2012) “The Matter of Metaphor in Language and Law” 6.1 Pólemos (DeGruyter, Berlin) 49-64. (Download)

(2012) “Being Greek, Having Gods and Getting Better: On Equity and Integrity Concerning Property and other Posited Laws” 9 No Foundations 120-143. (Read)

(2011) “The to be of and: reflections on the bridge” 5(1) Law and Humanities 229-240. (Read)

(2010) “Le symbole du sang dans la performance légale et théâtrale de l’Angleterre du début de l’époque moderne” in C. Biet and M.-M. Fragonard (eds.), Théâtre, Arts, Violence (2010) 73 Littératures Classiques 311-323. (Read)


(2009) “The Character of Social Connection in Law and Literature: Lessons from Bleak House” 5(3) International Journal of Law in Context (Cambridge UP) 29–46. (Download) 

(2009) “The Equity of Esther Summerson” 3(1) Law and Humanities (Oxford, Hart) 43-67. (Carocci) 95–116. (Read) 

(2009) “Reflections on Creative Writing within a Law and Literature Module” 3(2) Law and Humanities 257-284. (Read)

(2008) “Falstaff and the Highwaymen; Equity as Outlaw” Pólemos [The Italian Journal of Law and Literature] (Carocci) 47-66.  (Download)

(2007) “Breed of Metal and Pound of Flesh: Faith and Risk in Metaphors of Usury”, Pólemos (Carocci) 95–116. 

(2006) “The Eurohypothec and the English Mortgage” 13(2) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (Intersentia)161-193. (Read) 

(2006) “The Soul of Legal Education” [2006] 3 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (Read) 

(2005) “Contributory Fault and Breach of Trust” 5(2) Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal (Oxford, Hart) 205-224. (Read) 

(2005) “Building at Risk of Injunction” (2005) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (Sweet & Maxwell) pp.460-468 (case comment). 

(2005) “Laches and the Risk of Joint Venture” (2005) Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (Sweet & Maxwell) 174-180 (case comment). 

(2001) “Henderson is Dead! Long Live Henderson! – The Modern Rule of Abuse of Process” 20 Civil Justice Quarterly (Sweet & Maxwell) pp.90-101. 

(2000) “The Danger and Deceit of the Rule in Henderson v Henderson: A new approach to
successive civil actions arising from the same factual matter” 19 Civil Justice Quarterly (Sweet & Maxwell) pp. 287-314. 

(2000) “The Danger and Deceit of the Rule in Henderson v Henderson: A new approach to successive civil actions arising from the same factual matter” 19 Civil Justice Quarterly (Sweet & Maxwell) pp. 287-314. 
Cited in Johnson v. Gore Wood [2000] UKHL 65, House of Lords. (Read)


See other publications by Gary Watt