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Chapters in edited collections

(2022) “‘A delightful measure’: Imagining Barfield’s Poetic Jurisdiction” in S. Mukherji (ed) Law and Poetics in Early Modern England and Beyond (forthcoming).

(2022) “‘there is no lawe against an euill tongue’ – Slander as Amplified Proof in Wilson’s Rhetoric and Shakespeare’s Othello in N. Vienne-Guerrin et al (eds) Malebouche (forthcoming).

(2022) “Calling out Homophonia: A Word in the Ear of a Jawist” in P. Goodrich et al (eds) Occupying Offices (forthcoming).

(2021) “The Lexicon Act 2021” in P. Goodrich and T. Zartaloudis (eds) The Cabinet of Imaginary Laws (Routledge) 114-118. (Read)

(2020) “‘That ugly treason of mistrust’: rhetoric of credit and the credit of rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice” in S. Hatchuel and N. Vienne-Guerrin (eds) The Merchant of Venice: A Critical Reader (Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare) 145-170. [DOI: 0.5040/] (Read) 

(2018) “Notes on a Strange Eventful History”, in F. Ost and D. Carpi (eds) As You Law It: Negotiating Shakespeare (Berlin: de Gruyter) 227-246. (Download)

(2019) “Do Shylock and Rumpelstiltskin win on appeal? The Justice of Silas Marner” in C. Battisti and S. Fiorato (eds) Law and the Humanities: Cultural Perspectives (De Gruyter) 111-129. (Read)

(2019) “Dickens, Daumier and the Man of Law”, Chapter 8 in Ian Ward (ed), A Cultural History of Law in the Age of Reform (Bloomsbury Academic) 147–164 [DOI: 10.5040/] (Read)


(2014) “To read him by his form’: Shakespeare on the matter of proof” in J-P. Schandeler and N. Vienne-Guerrin (eds) Les Usages de la preuve d’Henri Estienne à Jeremy Bentham (Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec; Hermann, Paris) 401-424. 

(2014) “Reading Materials: The Stuff that Legal Dreams are Made On” in J. Etxabe and G. Watt (eds) Living in a Law Transformed (Ann Arbor: Maize/Michigan UP, 2014) 155-172. (Read)

(2013) “Rule of the Root: Proto-Indo-European Domination of Legal Language” in Current Legal Issues: Law and Language, F. Smith and A. Lewis (eds.), (Oxford, OUP,2013) 571-589. [DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199673667.003.0345] (Download)

(2012) “Comparative Law as Deep Appreciation” in P.G. Monateri (ed) Methods of Comparative Law (Edward Elgar Press) 82–103. (Read)

(2012) “Law Suits: Clothing as the Image of Law” in L. Dahlberg (ed) Visualizing Law and Authority. Essays on Legal Aesthetics (Berlin: de Gruyter). (Read)

(2012) “The Moving Experience of Legal Education” in Z. Bankowski, M. Del Mar, & P.Maharg (eds.) The Arts and the Legal Academy: Beyond Text in Legal Education (Ashgate) 135-148. (Download)

(2011) “The Case of Conjoined Twins: Medical dilemma in law and literature” in D. Carpi (ed) Bioethics and Biolaw through Literature (DeGruyter, Berlin/New York) 93-107.  (Download)

(2011) “Hard cases, hard times and the humanity of law” in J. Bate (ed) The Public Value of The Humanities (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011) 197-207. DOI: 10.5040/ [OPEN ACCESS]

(2008) “The Law of Dramatic Properties in The Merchant of Venice” Chapter 16 in P. Raffield and G. Watt (eds), Shakespeare and the Law (Oxford, Hart) 237-252. [DOI: 10.5040/] (Read)

(2008) “The Earl of Oxford’s Case” in P. Cane and J. Conaghen (eds), New Oxford Companion to Law 

(2007) “The Lie of the Land: Mortgage Law as Legal Fiction” Chapter 4 in Modern Studies in Property Law – Volume IV, E. Cooke (ed.) (Oxford, Hart) 73-96. [DOI: 10.5040/] (Download)

(2007) “The Sword of Equity” in D. Carpi, Practising Equity, Addressing Law. Equity in Law and Literature (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter) 99-117.  (Download)

(2007) “Unconscionability in property law: a Fairy-tale ending?” in M. Dixon and G. Griffiths (ed) Contemporary Perspectives in Property, Equity and Trusts Law (Oxford, OUP) 117-137. (Read)

(2005) “Personal Liability for Receipt of Trust Property: Allocating the Risks” in Modern Studies in Property Law – Volume II, E. Cooke (ed.) (Oxford, Hart) 91-109. [DOI: 10.5040/] (Read)

(2002) “Laches, Cause of Action Estoppel and Election” Chapter 12 in Breach of Trust, P. Birks and A. Pretto (eds.) (Oxford, Hart) 353-377. [DOI: 10.5040/] (Read)

(2001) “Giving unto Caesar: Rationality, Reciprocity and Legal Recognition of Religion” in Current Legal Issues: Law and Religion, R. O’Dair and A. Lewis (eds), (Oxford, OUP) 45-63 (Read)

(2001) “Property Rights and Wrongs: The Frontiers of Forfeiture” Chapter 7 in Modern Studies in Property Law – Volume I: Property 2000, E. Cooke (ed.) (Oxford, Hart) 115-131. [DOI: 10.5040/] (Read)


(1996) “A House of Intellect for the Profession” in Pressing Problems in the Law Vol. 2: What are Law Schools For? P. Birks (ed.), Oxford University Press, 1996, with N. Savage 


See other publications by Gary Watt